Friday, January 9, 2009


Welcome to 2009, glad you could be here. All that holiday eating and relaxing was most enjoyable, but if feels good to be back into the regular routine. I really like my job so it's nice getting back in the swing of things. Pretty slow business wise during the holiday season, I did get one home under contract though. Aside from a home inspection on Christmas Eve the break proved pretty work free.

I went down to Long Beach for several days over new years. It was nice being on a secluded beach with no agenda whatsoever, just a fridge full of food & drinks with good weather to go along. The only disappointment was the fact I lost every single board game we played, biggest fluke ever I suppose. Driving through Southport and down the coast, it was surprising to see so many building projects put on hold. Appeared many builds shut down half way through, made me grateful our market is holding on as strong as it is.

So new years is the time of making resolutions. I'm great at that part, it's sticking with them that's more difficult. Here are a few I'm shooting for:

Dressing for the Occasion
I mean putting a tie on everyday. Whenever I wear ties into the office, I always seem to get the "what are you all dressed up for?" "Because I'm at work" would be the obvious answer, but my profession has become so casual it seems to catch everyone off guard. I want to be known as an expert & professional so I'll dress like it. I get to make plenty of first impressions every week, I'm hoping this improves each one of them.

Substitute Teach
I completed an application in November down at the headquarters and have yet to get started. Teaching would be a rewarding profession I imagine, my Mom sure enjoyed it for almost 20 years. I really want to make time for one or two days a week to get in there. I am lucky to have a schedule that is flexible enough to do such a thing, so I'll try and take advantage. Looking forward to being back at my elementary seeing all my old teachers.

I'm ashamed to say every time I see that word on a form I don't know what to put next to it. Last time I really volunteered it was at The Boys & Girls Club in college. I've passed on a few mentor programs in the past few years because of my schedule, I'd like to try and make time for something along those lines. I certainly don't want to commit to something beyond my means so I'll have to find the right opportunity. Send any ideas my way if you'd like.
Outside of writing blogs and making new years resolutions, the year has started quite busy for me. That's a great sign as 2008 ended quite slow. These low interest rates keep bringing buyers out of the wood works and gotten me quite busy. I'm glad it's Friday however and I'm ready for the weekend. I think tonight has some beer & bowling in store for me. If you have not finished making your weekend plans, find a theatre near you playing Slumdog Millionaire. As many movies I've seen over the past month it had to be the best. Until next time, make sure to keep up with all your resolutions.

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